Access |
Is an individually logged instance (audit trail) of a user’s access to a patient’s Electronic Medical Record (EMR) |
Access Action Whitelist |
Method to specify specific access actions (e.g. "Diagnosis filed") that should always be considered appropriate |
Analytics |
Tools to display accesses in graphs and tables |
Cached Results |
Results that are saved on your computer for faster loading |
Comma Separated Value file, similar to a spreadsheet |
Dashboard |
The first page displayed on EBAS after signing in |
Diagnosis Responsibility |
Ability within EBAS (Enhanced Explanations) to create and mine information describing which diagnoses each department treat. |
Explanation-based Auditing System, the Maize Analytics online EMR auditing tool |
Electronic Medical Record |
Encounter |
Interaction between a user and patient (e.g. appointment) |
Enhanced Explanations |
Enhanced explanations expand upon core explanations used for clinical and operational interactions with patients, to also include interactions between employees, departments, diagnosis, and geo-location. (i.e. the oncology department typically treats cancer patients with chemotherapy, or diagnosis code V58.11) |
Employee Data |
Data associated with employees in an organization (e.g. First Name, Last Name, Gender, Date of Birth, Title, Department, Home Address, etc.) |
Explanation |
Reason for an access to a patient’s EMR (e.g. appointment, collaboration between hospital staff). Explanations are automatically discovered by EBAS and can be represented as an appropriate access (Filter) or a suspicious access (Flag) |
Filter |
An explanation that has been turned on, and set as an activity that denotes an appropriate reason “why” a user accessed a patient’s EMR (e.g. documented in chart, entered an order, etc.) |
Flag |
An explanation that has been turned on, and set as an activity that denotes a suspicious reason “why” a user accessed a patient’s EMR (e.g. Same Last Name, Co-Worker, etc.) |
Geo-Coding |
A way to assign locations to users to identify neighbor accesses |
Investigation |
Collection of suspicious accesses and supporting information sent to reviewers |
Machine Learning |
Computer science tool that gives computers the ability to learn and infer from data without needing additional programming |
Neighbor |
Users or patients living within a short distance of each other, either currently or in the past (distance default is 0.25 miles) |
Patient Data |
Data associated with a patient (Medical Record Number, First Name, Last Name, Gender, Date of Birth, Home Address, ICD Diagnosis, etc.) |
Patient Timeline |
A visual representation of accesses to a patient’s EMR |
Radar |
A list of users Identified as having potentially suspicious activity that may merit further review. The Radar list can be found on the top of the dashboard (tab next to Overview) |
Rank |
Ability to filter a search by a specific rank criteria (Time Since Encounter, Nearest Neighbor, etc.) and sort the results by highest risk |
Self-Access |
When a person looks at their own EMR |
Spotlight |
A high-level overview of a user’s activity (for a specified date range), using visual representations like total accesses per day, access actions taken and the number of flagged and filtered accesses. You can find a link to a User's spotlight from the full access info page |
Single Sign On, allows users to log in to EBAS with their institution’s username and password |
Surfer |
The only user to access a patient’s record |
Suspicious Access |
Access that could not be explained by a clinical or operational reason, and/or may have met a suspicious access criteria (Same Last Name, etc.) |
Task Page |
Automatically redirected page that displays current and past system activities (e.g. uploads, searches) |
User Data |
Data associated with a user (User ID, First Name, Last Name, etc.) |
Temporal Constraint |
Is a window of time that Maize applies to some forms of data (explanations, unique data fields used in search) that govern when the data should be active (included) for analysis. |
User Variance |
Measure of deviations from a user’s typical EMR access behavior |
Designation assigned to a patient to ease closer monitoring of their records |
Watchlist |
Designation assigned to a user to ease closer monitoring of their EMR access behavior |