You may have been invited to serve as a Reviewer for an electronic medical record (EMR)-related investigation. This guide will show you how to navigate the software to assist in the investigation. Organizations often request help from reviewers to understand EMR access events, and the connections between EMR users and patients.
When new reviewers are added to an investigation, they receive an email invitation from Maize Analytics. Add to your list of safe senders to be sure you receive this and other notifications.
Follow the link to create a Maize Analytics user account. Upon successful account creation, you will be taken to the Maize Account Management site. Click on Go to Tool, to log in to the Maize Analytics Audit tool. You are now ready to Review an Investigation.
Note: Your organization admin can create custom email notifications, which may contain additional instructions. Please read the message in its entirety.
If you are added to an investigation, you will receive an email notification:
Once you log in to the system, click the crosshair icon to head to the Investigation page.
Or, go directly to a specific investigation using the link in your email notification.
You’ll see a list of all open investigations you’ve been invited to review. You’ll need to review investigation details and provide comments. Click an Investigation Number to see accesses related to an investigation and get started.
You can use your browser’s back button or click the crosshair icon o return to the list of investigations at any time.
Clicking on an investigation takes you to the Investigation Details page. Here you’ll find notes to you from the investigation owner, followed by EMR access information relevant to the investigation. There may be multiple EMR accesses to review.
Click the icon next to any access to View Access Information.
Clicking the “i”icon takes you to additional details about the user, patient, and their relationship.
Clickable gray bars provide specific information about past accesses to the patient’s record. Historic context, including any past investigations, accesses, and diagnosis codes, can help inform your review.
Additional User Info and Patient Info tables at the bottom of the page display dates that help provide context for accesses. These include date ranges during which certain characteristics, such as department or floor, were active.
At the bottom of each Investigation Details page, you can enter comments and/or questions. Type your note for the investigation owner in the box, then click Save.
The owner will receive an e-mail notification that the investigation has been updated. You can add additional comments as long as the investigation is open.
The last sections of the investigation details page, below the comments, may include Files Attached to this Investigation to review. You can also upload your own files to assist with the investigation. Browse and select a desired file on your computer, then click Upload to complete. Delete your uploaded files using red Delete buttons.
If you need additional support navigating the software, help is available. Click on your login in the upper right of the page, and you’ll find Docs (including this guide) to download. You can also click Create Ticker to submit a help ticket to one of our support specialists. You may also be able to contact investigation owners directly, through your organization.