Comprehensive Search Guide (Updated 2021)

Comprehensive Search Guide (Updated 2021)

The Search page can help you find specific accesses or generate customized lists of accesses based on specific parameters. You can also explore searches performed by users in the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system and which subsequent patients were viewed (Search Lookup). Saved Searches can be viewed and managed via the Saved Searches tab, and users can save fixed search criteria, via Search Snapshots. 

Get to the Search page at any time by clicking the magnifying glass icon. 


The Search page can help you find specific accesses or generate customized lists of accesses based on specific parameters. When clicking on the search icon, the search page automatically displays a list of all patient record accesses, for the date range specified on the Dashboard. You can explore the list and find additional details using embedded hyperlinks and icons. 

 Search Options 

Search Results:

                                                                                                             Note: A Gray Thumbs up or a Gray Investigation Tag indicates there was a previous access between the unique user/patient that was marked appropriate or added to an investigation. 

Searching by Patient ID, User ID, or Upload 

When limiting searches by Patient ID, User ID, or Upload, a Search Statistics bar appears under Search Options. 

Click the bar to view summary data based on the search parameter. 

Getting More Information  

From the Search page, click the i icon next to any access to View Full Access. This displays additional details about the patient, user, and their relationship.

Search Lookup 

The Search Lookup page can help you explore searches performed by users in the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system and which subsequent patients were viewed. When configured, the Search Lookup page automatically displays a list of patient searches, for the date range specified on the Dashboard. You can explore the list and/or fine tune it to look for a defined date range, a specific user, the search method used and/or by a specified search text. 

The search lookup results table contains the following fields: 

  • • Time of Search – Date and time search lookup took place. 
  • • User ID – User that performed the search. Clicking on User ID will take you to the Search page to review accesses. 
  • • Search String – Exact search criteria user typed in. 
  • • Search Method – Search method user used (MRN, Name, Phone, SSN, etc.) 
  • • Patient Clicked – If the user clicked on a patient after the search, the patient’s MRN will be populated. 
  • • Patient Name – Patient name will be displayed if the user clicked on the patient after search. 
  • • Access Info – Link to Full Access Info page for the unique user/patient. 
  • • Explained – Access to the patient was explained via an appropriate explanation. 

Note: Use sort options to review access and/or Search box to limit results. 

Search Lookup Tips 

Broad Searches 

  • • Use small segments of time (like a weekend). Sort by user and look at the user’s access. If the user searches mostly by MRN, and there is a random search by name, check that name for appropriate access. 
  • • Sort by Patient Name and then in the table search box (top right of results), type in False to view only accesses that the system could not find an appropriate reason for access. 
  • • If the user searches mostly by name, look for a change in pattern. For example: The user searched most patients by the patient’s full name. Look for searches conducted by that user with just last name or last name and first initial. 
  • • Check the user’s search access to multiple people with the same last name by sorting on the Patient Name field. 

Targeted Searches 

  • • In the Search Lookup options (Search Text field), enter a high-profile name or partial text. For example: Taylor Swift or Swift. If someone has searched on these names, run an audit on their access. 

Note: Even if the high-profile person is not a patient at your hospital, finding users that are searching for high-profile individuals often uncover other inappropriate activity. 

  • • User high-profile names found in local media (newspaper, local television, social media, etc.). In the Search Lookup options (Search Text field), enter a high-profile name or partial text. 


Saving Searches allow users to configure and monitor search criteria to help with ongoing review. When desired search criteria are entered, click on the Save Search button. Assign a title for the search, search description (optional), limit results to a defined number (optional) and specify privacy settings (Visible Only to Me or Visible to Organization). 

Note: Saved Searches run daily, using either a Fixed Date range or a Relative Date range. If a fixed date range is selected, the results will use the same date range each day, however, results may change as additional information is brought into the tool (encounters, HR data, etc.). A Relative Date range uses “Today’s Date” and returns results for the timeframe selected (for example: Going back 1 week from today). Saved Search results using a relative date range are dynamic (change daily). 

Clicking on the Saved Searches page displays a list of all your saved searches, including the date the saved search was created, the user (owner) that created the saved search, saved search visibility (Private or Organization) and the title of the saved search. Saved Searches are also displayed on the Dashboard. 

Clicking on the gold info icon provides a description of the saved search, if one was included by the saved search owner. Clicking anywhere else (other than the info icon), will take you to the search results. 

Note: Use sort options to quickly find a saved search and/or Search box to limit results. To delete a saved search, check the box to the left of the saved search, and select “Delete Saved Search” from the Select an Action drop down box. 

Saving Search Snapshots allow users to lock results to review and/or save for historical reference. When desired search criteria are entered, click on the Snapshot Search button. Assign a title for the search, limit results to a defined number (optional), and choose to have results randomly selected (optional). 

Note: Unlike Saved Searches, Search Snapshots DO NOT run daily. When search snapshots are taken, the results are locked in place and stored on the Search Snapshots page for review. 

Clicking on the Search Snapshots page displays a list of all your saved search snapshots, including the title, the user (owner) that created the search snapshot, the number of results the snapshot was limited to (if applicable), the date the snapshot was created, and the ability to delete the search snapshot. 

Clicking anywhere on the Search Snapshot will take you to the search snapshot results. 

Notes: Search Snapshot results are displayed on the Search Snapshots page. Results can be reviewed directly from this page, by clicking on “i“ icon. Clicking on the “i“ icon opens a new tab, preserving you search snapshot results. 

Search Snapshots cannot be modified. If changes are needed, a new search snapshot will need to be created from the Search page and the existing search snapshot deleted. 

If a targeted Saved Search is no longer needed to run daily, but you would like to save it for reference, open the saved search, click the Snapshot Search button, and enter a title. Make sure the number entered under “Limit Number of Results To” is equal to or greater than the number of results in your saved search and the Randomize Results box is NOT checked. Once the Search Snapshot is saved, the Saved Search can be deleted from the Saved Searches page. 

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